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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

(Video) Upgrade your flexibility to 3D: Improve your stretching experience

Chris Shah, Founder Terra Nova Fitness

Ami Hodge, Fitness Coach

Are you still watching your stretching on 1D?
Don’t be lame! It’s 2014 and its time to update your stretching.




Using 3d stretching will give you a whole new feeling of uncomfortable tension and benefit not usually experienced in your stretching routine. It’s like discovering people you never knew lived underneath your stairs.

Most people stretch a muscle in one plane of motion or direction.
Look at the below muscles most of them do not run in a strait line. They run in diagonal patterns. This is the pattern of most muscles. 

Stretching in a traditional 1D direction is cheating your self out of a great stretching experience. You are only stretching one direction or third of the muscle.


HOW to UPGRADE to 3D stretching

To update your stretching experience we must move in the following 3 ways.

1)      Front to back
2)      Side to side
3)      Rotational

Can You Show Me a Video?
Don’t worry, I got you covered. In the video below, I discuss the three different strategies I listed above to make your stretching more effective. Here’s the video:

Dedicated to your success, 
Chris Shah 

Thanks Ami Hodge as always!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Friday, March 14, 2014

Arms only body weight workout

Chris Shah, Founder, Ami Hodge. Terra Nova Fitness

This ARM ONLY workout is broken up into 3 parts
A, B, C.

Perform A once, perform B and C two to three times in a row.

Click on the video for the full coaching instructions


A Group
A1) Arm circles
X12 each
Arms out to the sides.
Perform small, medium then giant circles forward then repeat backwards.

Arm circles

A2) Palm bug kills
·         X12 each position and both sides
·         Arms in front level to chest, stack one hand on top of the other
·         Push down with top hand and push up with bottom hand

   1.      Bottom palm down, top palm down
   2.      Bottom palm down, top thumb up in middle
   3.      Bottom palm down, top thumb up to side
   4.      Top palm down, bottom thumb up


A3) Shoulder I/Y/T
X12 each letter


B Group
B1) Wall triceps


B2) Shoulders taps


B3) Hand walk outs


C Group

C1) Push up hold  
X 30sec

C2) Forearm pushups  


C3) Arm drives
 X 30sec 