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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Break out of the mindset holding your fitness back - Part 2

1# way for consistent fitness success
Part 2

Chris Shah
Founder, Fitness Coach

Can You Show Me a Video?
Don’t worry, I got you covered. In the video above, I discuss how to break out of "identity oriented" approach. Here’s the video:

You are now aware that you are using an “Identity Oriented’ approach to fitness.
(For those of you in a “process oriented” approach, next newsletter will be on the process.)

This approach (“identity”) is the signature of NOT getting what you want on a consistent basis.  How do you get out of an “Identity Oriented’ approach?
Well first, I’m going out on an experienced coaching limb.

Your brain is a constant blender of movies right?

From one side you have the past movie montage of I “should have”, “I wish”, “I regret”, “If only”.
From the other side you have the future movie montage of salvations and wishes. “When I get” ,“One Day” ,“I will be ____, when _____ happens, etc.”

This leaves the present completely crowded and drowned out.

With both past and future movies shouting down upon you, it overstimulates your sympathetic nervous system. (The flight, fight, and freeze) part of your system. This stimulates stress hormones and fat holding hormones.

This starts a downward neurological spiral, turning down the volume of your parasympathetic nervous system and your Prefrontal Cortex. (The responsible and disciplined part of us)

How do I get out of this Identity Oriented approach?
If you are in “Process oriented approach” you can use this to sharpen your process saw.

Create Presence
Meditate at least 5 min per day. This makes the prefrontal cortex stronger.
This turns the volume down on the shouting. This also opens the door for increased discipline to walk in. The only criteria for success as you mediate is to follow your breath. Know that being bad at meditation when you first start helps your will power become resilient.  

Many of the most successful people, entrepreneurs, teachers, athletes, martial artists and myself create the benefits of meditation or presence to our continued success and fulfillment.
“MEDITATION more than any other factor has been the secret to whatever success I’ve had,” Ray Dalio, Billionaire founder of the world’s largest hedge fund, Bridgewater Associates

Become the Watcher
To help break out of identity process during the day become the watcher of the identity. This means when you have an “identity process” moment like “I’m not good at this” or an un-resourceful situation take a mental step back, watch the identity as something passing by you.

For example: picture the un-resourceful identity energy as a boat on the horizon sailing by. When you do this,  you create space and loosen your attachment and identity to it.

Another way to create presence is to watch intently a bird or tree outside. Sounds silly,
I know, but just concentrate and observe the bird flying or the branches swaying back and forth in the wind.

Science has proven meditation(presence) to super charge your brain.

What’s in it for your fitness and fat loss goals?

Meditation increases Plasticity in your brain.
Plasticity increases your brain’s ability to change meaning new FITNESS, FAT LOSS, EATING and HEALTHY LIFESTYLE HABITS.

Meditation increases Gray Matter in your brain.
Gray matter increases your brains decision making ability meaning it will help you make FITNESS, FAT LOSS, EATING and HEALTHY LIFESTYLE CHOICES that are in line with your goals.

The question is why are you NOT meditating or creating presence?
You can have consistent incremental fitness and fat loss success.
You just need to follow the process!
This can be you.

Friday, May 16, 2014

#1 way to get consistant fitness success. Pacifica Personal training

How do people achieve success consistently?

Founder, Chris Shah

As you might have noticed, I’m obsessed with the study of both success and FAILURE!
There is a constant theme or principle that keeps showing up with consistent success or inconsistent success.  

What is it?

Process oriented vs Identity oriented

What is in it for me Chris?

You can use this to achieve your fitness and weight loss goals consistently. Along with getting through current sticking points. 

I’m currently reading The Art of Learning” An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance By Josh Waitzkin. 
The Chess movie “Searching for Bobby Fisher” was based on the author. He went on to become a Tia Chi world champion, Black belt in Jiu Jitsu and currently a mental performance coach to the top Venture capitals, CEO’s and athletes in the world.

In the book, learning, teaching, success, failure and mastery are the themes.  There are two approaches to learning or mastering a skill. (This is well studied by developmental psychologists) 

One is called “entity” (aka Identity Oriented) the other “incremental “(aka Process Oriented)

Identity oriented people on a quest to lose weight or get in better shape, usually believe success or failure is directly linked to their unalterable and ingrained ability.

This is a FIXED mind set which gives birth to a DOWNWARD SPIRAL and the known YO-YO effect.
More on the DOWNWARD SPIRAL later.

Process oriented people on a quest to lose weight or get in better shape, usually believe success or failure is directly linked to hard work, relying on and modifying a process. They believe any skill or goal can incrementally be learned, step-by step.

This is a GROWTH mind set which gives birth to EMOTIONAL INTELLEGENCE (AWARENESS) and consistent incremental movement in the desired direction.

In summary,

Process oriented= Growth mind set + Emotional intelligence (awareness) = Incremental and consistent improvement

Identity oriented = Fixed mind set + Downward Spiral (self-sabotage) = Inconsistent Success

Can You Show Me a Video?
Don’t worry, I got you covered. In the video below, I discuss Process vs. Identity. Here’s the video:

In part 2 (coming this week) I go over

  •        How to break out of an identity mindset

  •        How to cultivate a process oriented mindset

  •        How to sharpen the saw of the process

  •      Practical strategies