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Friday, February 28, 2014

Part 2- Couch workout - Pacifica personal training

Chris Shah
Founder, Fitness Coach

Can’t make it to the gym on a rainy day?

 Get your ass to the couch! NOW!

This workout is for anyone who has a couch, I know you are out there.

Check out the video for full instructions.

Part 2-
Perform 2-5 total rounds!


    1.  Groiners with rotation    x 5- 10 each side     

    2. Single leg Hip thrust - 5 sec hold at top
     X 5-10 each side 

     3.  Rear foot elevated split squat  - Slow on the way down
X 3-8 each side

      4. Slow down push up-

     5.  Pillow power slams      
Left/right x10- 15

    6.  Pillow punching – 30- 60 seconds     

     7.  Mountain Climbers- 30-60 seconds
2-3 times

Perform 2-5 total rounds!

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1 comment:

  1. Fitness programs are used as preventive medicines and most people have realized that exercise is good for good health.

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