The best runners and coaches in the world view and speak about their training very differently than recreational runners who see little or no improvement.
Most recreational runners do not classify their workouts,
methods and exercises as anything. They simple brag about the OUTPUT (I
did 50 squats and 8 miles)
The world class talk more of OUTCOME! (Fast twitch aerobic adaptations) A fancy way to say the
ability to run up hills better. Improved running time ect.
“Runners who constantly improve running times acquire physical assets. The runners who are stuck in plateaus acquire physical liabilities that they think are assets.” – Terra Nova Fitness.
Take home message
See diagram for a list
We need to classify and know the difference between physical
assets and physical liabilities, and invest in physical assets to
constantly run
better, faster and pain free.
Still confused?! Check out the following financial analogy
diagram of how Terra Nova Fitness classifies things and continues to improve
the runners we coach.
The left part of the diagram is your physical profit and loss
statement. The right part of the diagram is your physical balance sheet of assets
and liabilities.
This is an abbreviated list that could go on forever (a running skill coach would add 10 or more to each box)
Allot of runners and coaches do NOT understand the relationship between the physical income statement (left) and the physical assets and liabilities balance sheet (right)
This is an abbreviated list that could go on forever (a running skill coach would add 10 or more to each box)
Allot of runners and coaches do NOT understand the relationship between the physical income statement (left) and the physical assets and liabilities balance sheet (right)
The numbers/workouts (10 snatches, swings and 13 miles) by
themselves mean very little. When someone is struggling physically it’s because
they don’t understand the physical cash flow of their body.
It’s the story that counts the
most. The arrows in the diagram represent the physical resource cash flow of
your body.
Where is your bodies’ physical
cash flow?
Knowing this very simple yet mostly misunderstood principle will be your competitive advantage pointing you in the constantly improving direction.
In the coming weeks, months and year, I will go over in
great detail all the assets and liabilities listed in the physical diagram to
constantly help you run better, faster and pain free.
Mention this article and receive an extra 2 weeks free on any membership. (for new members only)
Dedicated to your Success,
Chris Shah
Note: I used a financial analogy that I
learned from Robert T. Kiyosaki to illustrate the mindset change.
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