Chris Shah
Founder, Fitness Coach
Over the years, I have grown an intuition about what type of
people I coach from the first time meeting them. The weeks that follow usually
confirm my intuition.
This of course is an over simplification as there is gray
area with people.
1. Four leaf clover people
These are the people that really wish hard to get in shape and lose that weight.
They usually use language that puts the responsibility
solely on the coach and the small about of time they spend at our gym.
They live in fantasy
land and want to bypass the natural laws
of attaining goals.
“Chris if I work out with you I will lose this weight right?”
“How do I work my core to get smaller?”
As we talk about what it takes outside of the gym (eating
and activity) to see measurable change its clear by their language and look in
their eye they are clinching hard on the four leaf clover.
You can almost hear them wishing away reality.
2. Farmers
Right away I recognize a fellow farmer.
They know where they WANT to go and they know that there is a COST OR PRICE to
pay for the reward.
Famers submit to REALITY and have no illusions about the work they will
have to do.
They use language that puts the
responsibility of ACTION on themselves and look to the coach for expert advice
and direction.
I’m currently reading “First Things First”by Stephen Covey. It
is one of the top five books I have ever touched.
In the book he talks about one of the natural laws of
results as the principle of farming.
How or if you farm determines your harvest.
“Many an opportunity is lost because a man is out
looking for four-leaf clovers.” – Unknown
Things that effect your Results Garden:
- Soil
- Seeds
- Watering and cultivating
- Weeds
Your soil is
your environment including gym, coach, work, kitchen, friends and family.
Your Seed is
your WRITTEN goals.
Watering and
cultivating your seed is
measuring, accountability, habits and rituals.
Pull the Weeds which are the negative or tempting environment; negative people
and thoughts.
If you are not getting what you want in your garden, ask
yourself what part of the farming principles are you violating and put down the
four leaf clover.
Dedicated to your success,
Chris Shah
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